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  • Impulsive Magic: A Snarky Paranormal Romance (Modern Magic Book 4) Page 21

Impulsive Magic: A Snarky Paranormal Romance (Modern Magic Book 4) Read online

Page 21

  Seth quirked an eyebrow. “You think I’m too weak for a walk in the woods?”

  “I think it wouldn’t hurt to rest a little longer.”

  “Want to lie down with me and see what happens when we try to rest?”

  Keely raised her chin. “I’m not afraid to get dirty.”

  Seth dragged his gaze over her with hungry eyes, but before he could act on it, his phone rang.

  Keely giggled. “You get great service out here.”

  He shook his head and nodded toward the path as he answered the phone. Keely took the lead, recognizing Dru’s husky voice. She’d thought her friend had given in too easily. Dru wasn’t big on surprises or things she didn’t understand. They walked, and Keely listened to Seth masterfully refuse to answer Dru’s questions.

  Keely loved that he listened patiently to Dru’s rants and responded with calm compassion. Her friend could be a lot to handle, and she was in full mama bear mode. If it had been Keely, she’d have passed the phone off in the first ten seconds.

  Seth caught up to her, the phone still pressed against his ear, and took her hand. When Keely looked over, he winked at her. She rolled her eyes with a smile, but the wink did squiggly things to her insides. A wink? Really? Oh, how her standards had fallen.

  Keely squished another mosquito on her thigh. At this rate, she’d be scratching herself raw when they reached the town. She frowned. Except she wasn’t itchy. Her palm tingled, but nothing else. She examined the unmarked skin where there should have been a scar from when they’d first made the bond. Did the magical healing she’d picked up from Seth work on bug bites?

  What else did it work on? Now that they’d managed to survive their plan blowing up in their faces, she had a dearth of questions.

  Eventually, Seth got Dru calmed down and hung up. “I like her.”

  Keely raised a brow. “Fifteen percent truth?”

  He grinned. “All truth.”

  “She comes across as intense to a lot of people.”

  Seth shrugged and raised their joined hands to kiss hers. “She’s protective of you.”

  “She demanded I send her shower pics of you.”

  “Well, you’ll have to get right on that when we get home.”

  “What makes you think I haven’t already sent them?”

  He stopped and pulled her close for a quick kiss. “She demanded I spend more time walking around naked for your benefit.”

  Keely snorted out a laugh and started walking again. “She would.” They walked in silence, and Seth seemed content with the quiet. Keely tilted her head back to listen to the wind rustling the leaves, then she sighed and broke the moment. “You can’t go back.”

  “Probably not. Though I don’t think I gave the elders enough credit.”

  “What do you mean? They tried to kill you. The only credit they deserve is…I can’t think of a good threat here. My brain is fried.”

  He squeezed her hand. “I don’t think they intended to kill me. They tried to weaken me, and I think it was under Tamra’s suggestion. I assumed my magic would go into something in their artifact hoard, but now I have a different theory.”

  He lapsed into silence again, so Keely bumped him with her shoulder.

  “Are you going to tell me or keep making vague references?”

  “Sorry. I’m still working it out. The mate bond connects us, but it also combines our magics. That’s one of the reasons it’s so rare. Our magics have to be compatible with each other. Your necklace has traces of our combined magic from when you used it.”

  Keely’s eyes widened. “I had your magic. I mean, I knew I had your magic. I kept getting these twinges and little pains, and every time, I’d feel a little fuller afterward, if you know what I mean.” He sent her a sideways glance. “Not like that, perv. They were transferring your magic to me. When Tamra drop-kicked me through the portal, I felt the flow stop.”

  “The idea makes sense. They made me agree to the terms, but they knew in advance you were there to act as a vessel. The problem happened when Tamra separated us. My magic had nowhere to go, and our connection couldn’t sustain me.”

  Keely gritted her teeth. “She played us both. Your doomed attempt to protect me ended up almost killing you. I’ll bet she’s laughing about how dumb we are right now. Ugh. That just pisses me off.”

  “First, I did protect you, and I’d do it again.”

  Keely glared at him, but he didn’t appear cowed.

  “Next time, I’ll talk to you about it before acting. Second, I don’t think Tamra gives a rat’s ass about us. She likes feeling superior, so she’ll enjoy that for a while along with her spoils, but who cares. I never wanted those damn artifacts. They were only important because of their value to the elders.”

  “But you worked so hard to get your banishment lifted.”

  She felt the anger drain out of him, and he met her eyes. “I thought if I could prove my innocence I’d finally be worthy of the clan.” Keely opened her mouth to tell him exactly how useless she found the clan, but he shook his head and smiled. “You don’t have to defend me. I get it now. It wasn’t about me. It was about Tamra and Lexi and the elders trying to one-up their machinations. Let them take care of their thief. I have no intention of returning to Aecantha.”

  Keely grabbed his other hand and stopped him, waiting until he’d focused completely on her to speak. She wanted him to absolutely understand on every level what she was about to say. “Their loss. You are selfless and kind—” His eyebrow rose as he nudged her mind with an image that made her blush. “Okay, and fabulous in bed. I’d choose you over a village of beautiful, ageless gods any day.”

  Seth brought her hands up to kiss her knuckles. “That’s all that matters to me.”

  A shiver worked through her at the touch of his mouth, and the burgeoning emotion coursing across the bond had her sliding closer. She’d meant what she’d said earlier. A little down and dirty in the woods might go a long way toward easing the growing ache between her thighs.

  Keely sent him an image of what she had in mind, and Seth grinned. Before either of them could move, a mosquito landed on her face. Seth brushed it away with a laugh.

  “You sure you want to get naked when these bugs seem drawn to you?”

  “Right. Okay. Not the place. Let’s talk about something else for a while.”

  Seth nodded, and they begin hiking again. “How would you feel about spending some time in Texas? I know you planned to look for a new job, but—”

  “Let’s do it.”

  He sent her a questioning look. Keely understood his confusion. After all, she’d agreed to this whole plan partly because she wanted to avoid going home. Her family had never made her feel like an outcast the way Seth’s clan had, but she’d come to the same conclusion. She wasn’t worthy.

  All her lofty dreams and arrogance couldn’t fill the void created by her search for success, and even when she’d been miserable in the path she’d chosen, she couldn’t let that search go. If she came back a wretched failure, how could she claim the sacrifices everyone had made for her were worth it?

  Keely could feel Seth’s curiosity, but he walked quietly, letting her work through what she wanted to say. His unwavering support gave her the courage to admit that she’d never be good enough. No amount of success could make her feel worthy.

  Her family sacrificed for her because they loved her, not what she’d achieve, and she hadn’t recognized that until Seth had come along and made it abundantly clear. He’d offered her something she’d never given herself. Permission to fail.

  “I think it’s time I paid my family back for everything they’ve done for me.”

  Seth frowned playfully. “That’s not quite what I had in mind, but I’m not above a little revenge work.”

  Keely smacked him in the shoulder. “I meant I wanted to spend time with them. They’ve only ever wanted me to be happy, and I took what they gave me and stayed as far away as I could. I miss Charlotte and my mom, an
d okay, Brandon. I want to see my nephews.”

  “Sounds like we’ll be taking an extended trip to Texas.”

  Keely’s brows drew together. “If you need me to start contributing—”

  “Do not finish that sentence. I have more than enough money for both of us. If you want to live out your life as a pampered trophy wife, I’m all for that. Especially the part where you prance around in little tennis skirts.”

  Keely shook her head. “What kind of messed up social circles do you run in?”

  “I blame Luc entirely, but that’s beside the point. I know you love your work, and you’re well-trained for it. When you’re ready, take your time and find a job deserving of all your passion. Until then, trust me to take care of you.”

  Keely abruptly flung herself at him and pulled his mouth down for a scorching kiss. Seth’s arms came around her instantly. This bug-infested stretch of forest in upstate New York might not be the right place, but damned if it wasn’t the right time.

  “I love you,” she murmured against his lips.

  I love you too…where did we land on the tennis skirt?

  Keely giggled, then moaned when Seth did that thing she liked with his tongue.

  When they came up for air, Seth challenged her to a game of two truths and a lie to keep them moving. By the time they reached the town, Keely’s side hurt from laughing and her legs hurt from all the cardio she hadn’t been doing. They ate at a cute little diner, and Keely fell asleep smiling on Seth’s shoulder in the booth.

  Seth shook her awake, and Keely squinted at the tall, willowy creature glaring down at her. “Hey, Dru.”

  Dru narrowed her eyes. “Don’t you ‘hey’ me. Get in the car. We’re about to have a four-hour discussion about disappearing and worrying me half to death.” She threw her hands into the air. “I almost called your brother!” For a second, the air around Dru glowed a faint green, but when Keely blinked, the aura went away.

  “Your brother.” Dru repeated dramatically, then turned and marched out of the diner, oblivious to the people scurrying out of her way at the door.

  Keely yawned and rubbed her face on Seth’s shirt. “Three and a half hours from now I want you to think back to how I saved your life.”

  Seth chuckled, a rumble in his chest under her cheek. “I’ll keep that in mind. Let’s go, trouble-maker.”



  Texas had bigger bugs than upstate New York. Somehow, she’d forgotten that. A group of Mulligan locals, only a few of whom she knew, had gathered in the backyard of her brother’s house to eat grilled meat and drink cheap beer. Keely slapped at yet another mosquito and wished for whatever magical ability everyone else seemed to possess that scared them off.

  Seth slipped an arm around her from behind and drew in a deep breath along her neck. She’d put her hair up in a ponytail for once, and he couldn’t stop sniffing her. Brandon glared at Seth from his spot by the grill, but he’d stopped actively trying to separate them.

  Seth spoke softly into her ear. “Your brother wishes he hadn’t told me about you all those months ago.”

  Keely snorted. “He wishes a lot of things. Luckily, he’s too busy with the twins to cause trouble.”

  “Don’t forget his pregnant wife.”

  Keely gasped and spun around. “His what?”

  Seth chuckled and pulled her against him. “Shhh. They haven’t told anyone yet.”

  Keely lowered her voice to a whisper as she linked her hands behind his neck. “You’re not supposed to be invading anyone’s mind without their permission.”

  He brushed his lips against hers, and Keely nearly lost her train of thought. “Open your senses to the magic and look at Charlotte.”

  Keely nudged the entwined power inside her and glanced at her best friend. Sure enough, Charlotte glowed a faint purple with a brighter spot over her flat belly. Another baby!

  Seth shifted back so he could lay a hand on her stomach. “We could join them, you know.”

  Keely hurriedly moved his hand before anyone could see the gesture. “Are you insane? If anyone had seen that little hand motion we’d be eloped and having triplets by sundown.”

  His grin widened. “I didn’t hear a no.”

  Keely’s smile slipped out against her best intentions. “You’d better make an honest woman of me first if you ever want my brother to do more than growl in your direction.”

  He lifted her hand to kiss her palm, running his tongue across the spot he’d cut to connect them the first time. Heat shot to her center, and through the mate bond, she made sure Seth knew what he did to her. When he moved away, a diamond solitaire sat where he’d stroked her. Keely gasped.

  “Marry me. Let’s make a clan of trouble-makers.”

  Keely squealed and pulled him down for a kiss, careful not to drop the ring. Took you long enough. She savored the moment, the slow slide of his mouth against hers, until someone dug a finger into her ribs.

  She opened her eyes to see Charlotte grinning at her. “I tried tapping politely, but you were otherwise occupied.”

  Keely raised a brow. “You needed me now?”

  Charlotte clapped her hands together. “I couldn’t wait any longer. Let me see the ring.”

  Keely’s gaze swung back to Seth’s golden eyes. “They knew?”

  “Your brother’s old-fashioned. I thought he’d appreciate the gesture of asking his blessing.”

  She shrugged—he wasn’t wrong—then slipped the ring on her finger to show Charlotte. The sun hit the diamond, and Keely noticed a slight pink tinge to the sparkle, like the crystal necklace she still wore everywhere.

  Charlotte hugged Keely, then tilted her head at Seth. “Nice choice. The ring is beautiful. Now I have a personal question. You’ve been in town for weeks, and I’ve never seen you shift. Why not?”

  Seth raised a brow, and Keely regretted telling Charlotte the truth about her adventure. “That is a personal question, but I’ll answer it. Why waste the energy? Opposable thumbs make life much, much easier. If I need to be in a different form, I change. Otherwise, I stick to what’s easiest.”

  “That…makes a lot of sense. I was expecting some kind of magical answer. Can you all shift?”

  His face darkened. “Tamra is the only exception. She’s never been able to. I’m not sure even the elders know why.”

  Seth’s phone went off, interrupting the conversation. He excused himself to answer it, and Keely grinned at Charlotte. “Where’s Rav?”

  “She’s inside pouting. The store didn’t have the salted caramel coffees she likes.”

  Keely shook her head. “I can’t believe you let her babysit your kids.”

  Charlotte eyed the ring on Keely’s finger. “Wait until you have kids. You’ll understand.”

  Over Charlotte’s shoulder, Keely noticed a colorful woman hurrying across the lawn toward the house. Her scarves fluttered around her in the slight breeze, and the faint scent of sandalwood tickled Keely’s nose.

  Her mouth dropped open. The seller from the farmer’s market in Manhattan was at her brother’s party.

  The woman must have sensed her gaze because she turned and smiled when she saw Keely. Charlotte twisted to look just in time to see her wave and disappear through the back door.

  “Who was that?”

  Charlotte turned back to Keely. “Don’t you know Janet? She owns a shop in Mulligan. Now that I think of it, she just got back from visiting her niece in New York. How funny.”

  Before Keely could respond, Seth returned, staring pensively at his phone. “That was Oren. He wanted to know if he could stay in our apartment.”

  Keely’s brows drew together. “What’s Oren doing in New York?” He and Keris had taken on the responsibility of finding the truth about Seth’s parents, so having him suddenly appear in their neighborhood seemed like a bad sign.

  Seth wrapped an arm around her and nuzzled her hair. “He’s looking for a dryad. I told him to contact Luc and take the apartmen
t for as long as he needs. I’ll stay here with my mate and our family.”

  Keely shared a smile with Charlotte. “Sounds good to me.”

  Continue the adventure with Dru and Oren in Rebellious Magic!

  If you loved Impulsive Magic, please take a moment to leave a review on Amazon, Goodreads, or Bookbub.

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  A Note from Nicole

  We veered a bit left, didn’t we? I’m so glad you veered with me. Thank you for reading Seth and Keely’s story. I hope it brought you laughter as well as all the feels. This book wouldn’t have been possible without my fabulous editorial team, Nicole Schneider and Liz Gallegos. You ladies rock my llama socks off. Special thanks to my husband, as always, for his unending support and his tireless cooking of pizza for dinner.

  If you liked the side characters in this book, I have good news! Several of them get their own books. After Seth’s abrupt exit, poor Oren is left to find the truth on his own, but you know he’ll live up to that responsibility. Especially with Dru’s help. She has some truths of her own to find. Their story unfolds in Rebellious Magic.

  Join Muse Interrupted Romance, my Facebook group, for daily shenanigans and sexy man chest pictures. Sign up for Muse Interrupted, my newsletter, for first access to new releases plus extra content, giveaways, sneak peeks, and first look at new covers.

  If you have time, would you mind leaving a review on Amazon? Goodreads or Bookbub would be amazing too! Reviews help other readers like you find books they love.

  I appreciate you, and because I do, I’ve included an excerpt from the next book, Rebellious Magic right here for your reading pleasure. Turn the page to get started on Dru and Oren’s adventure.